Silverdaddies id : 215099
Age: 59
Location : Vissingen, Netherlands
My name is Jan and I live in the southwest of Holland. I was married before and I have 3 children. I am grandfather too! I am living with my bf for 23 years now. We have an open relationship.
I am a teacher for students who are studying for a profession in social care.
I like to make new friends all over the world and if there is a chance to meet: you 're welcome!
I am a 100% top and I like mostly younger men ....
If you are intersted in me, ask what you want to ask.
I like travelling, music, sports (tennis!), animals and ....... the sun!
Only two messages to send ..... For contact: Jakam60 at hot mail dot com
More pics at: www.gaydar.nl/Jakam
When you visit Holland or Belgium, let me know ....