Silverdaddies Profile #46224
Age: 70
Location: Florida
I'm single, 70 y/o - 5'6''(168cm), 126 lbs(57 kg). Nothing Special. Just a kind and gentle, simple man.
I'm a "cuddler", "snuggler" and a "back rubber". I don't consider myself as "top" or "bottom". I enjoy "making love"... what happens, happens!
TRIM, FIT, IN EXCELLENT SHAPE (Workout 4 to 5 times a week!)
Average / UNCUT / CLEAN!
It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic in it. (Some would say this is spoken in self-defense)
Everybody states "well-educated". Is it really that damn important? How about "gentle, compassionate, caring, loving, generous and "INTELLIGENT"? Don't these count anymore? This is not to say, "I have no education". It's just that I feel it is not a trait to be flaunted. Just my opinion. To each his own!
Not into Drugs, Kink or Pain! HIV-, Disease Free. I don't smoke or drink. No objection to thoses who drink in moderation.
Sensitive and SINCERE! Slightly Bashful! Very Masculine!
Southern Gentleman originally from North Carolina. Shorts and sneakers, jeans and t-shirt type of guy. Live alone in my home on Charlotte Harbor.
When I'm good, I'm GOOD! When I'm bad, I'm BETTER!!!
I don't wave banners, I don't march in parades and I don't look good in pink! Some men do!
I'm a "Digital Photography" and "Basic Computer" instructor.
I enjoy DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (just bought a new Sony A-900 DSLR- 24.6 MP), computers, auto racing, cars, music, outdoors, beach, nature parks, home improvement projects, exercising, working-out, bicycling, long walks and quiet times.
I like natural uncut (+++) "in-shape" men, no shaven pubic areas, no piercings!
My preference is for masculine natural men who are Ht/Wt proportional, but I do respect those who differ from my preference in size, effects and mannerisms.I have a particular affection for very small men and those who are tall and slim. These are only preferences, not requirements.
It's not about finding someone to go to bed with, it's about finding the right someone to wake up to...
I make no demands of any man other then his respect for the feelings of his fellow man. Perhaps, in the past, my profile has not reflected this sentiment. For this I apologize!
The only thing on this web site that shocks me is the fact that the majority of gay men are overweight with many morbidly obese. What a shame that so many sensitive, loving and talented men care so little about their own health and appearance. Very sad!
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile in its entirety.
Just remember,
"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
" Beautiful young people are an accident created by nature, beautiful old people are created by themselves". ...F. Scott Fitzgerald